Sunday, March 26, 2023


     Freewriting is something that is taken advantage of. It is an under rated and under appreciated method of writing that just provides the ability for you to clear your head. If you have no one to talk to about an issue, write it down. That is always a method to release some steam. It is almost as if you are ranting to someone and not just a piece of blank paper. However, I personally struggle with freewriting.

    It is something that is relatively easy to do, in a way. If you have an idea, then it is easy to just write your heart away, but what if you don't? It's difficult when you have nothing in your mind to write about. If you are tasked with a free write, and have nothing to write about, I personally do not see a point in free writing. When my mind is blank, and I attempt to think of ideas, I find that it just becomes blanker and blanker. Filled with less and less ideas, as there was not much to begin with, then I think about how I already wrote about a topic that is in my mind, then have no desire to write about it again. 

     I wonder if there is a way for me to combat this. I guess just not caring and writing about what I don't want to any way. Maybe while doing so, I will find something new. Freewriting is something I hope to continue to do. It has previously been a place to not just let of steam, as mentioned before, but find new ideas that I can bring to light.


Monday, March 20, 2023


    Over spring break, I travled to St. Leo Florida with the North Central College Men's and Women's golf team. As a freshman on the team, it was something I was looking forward to so I could make a name for myself on the team as a solidified starter. Towards the end of our Fall season, I ended up on the starting 6 roster and this gave me this chance to travel to Florida with the team. 

    One of the primary reason's I was excited for this, was just the simple fact that I got to play golf for an entire week and worry about nothing else. Wake up, hit some golf balls, get into a cart, go play 18, come back and just hang out. It made me think about retired life. Is that how retried people in Florida live? Do they just wake up, play golf, and do nothing all day? That is something I am looking forward too. The course we played at was much better than anything in Illinois during this time of year. It was in great shape. It was difficult too, the greans were hard to putt on and the wing was howling most of the time..

    Unfortunatley, I did not perform as well as I wanted to. I was the lowest score on the team one day, however it was still a score I wanted to be much lower. I had the potential to shoot very low but was just unable to execute. Yet this did not hold me back from having a good time, listening to music in my cart, and spending time with my teammates. This is a trip I will not forget soon and hopefully I get to go back next year and improve my game.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Importance of Chipping Away

       Stacking up your work load over weeks and weeks and weeks is never a bright idea. It is similar to holding in emotions so they all burst out at once. You never want to do that with work. You should always work at, or chip away, piece by piece, some of your work load. There are many benefits to it, and it is something that can easily be accomplished by using external tools.

    To start, you should have some version of a planner. It can be a physical planner, or just a document where you outline what you need to do, however you should have one. Write down what you need to do, and just start doing them, once you complete something, cross it off the list and boom, it is over. That work is done. One more thing is off your plate. I always write down something I need to do as soon as I learn I need to get it done, this helps to not procrastinate the subject and have it over with.

    Now why do this? Well of course, it helps get tasks off of your plate and completed so you no longer have to worry about them. However, they give you confidence and productivity. You could be struggling with mental health, and getting a couple items off of your plate can help those struggles and put you onto a better path. Just chipping away a day at a time saves time and stress so you can be more productive throughout your day and it generates a good habit to keep for the rest of your life.

Which type of water

    You would think, water is water, what is the difference between different brands? You would be in for a world of suprises if you thought...